Install BioCoherence!

바이오코히어런스 최신 베타 버전은 지금에서 설치할 수 있습니다.

앱을 설치하거나 업데이트합니다(현재 사용 가능한 버전: 1.22.16)

브라우저에서 엽니다:

Disclaimer: BioCoherence provides both an academic analysis and an energetic and experimental analysis. The information displayed may or may not be correlated with the physical state of the systems. Calculations are based on individual measurements and experimental algorithms. All computed results like energy levels, entropy levels and coherent systems are designed to provide useful information for personal development, not for medical purposes. The usage of all results are under the sole responsibility or the user. In case of doubt, it is important to consult a medical doctor. Please check our EULA before deciding your use of the software.