BioCoherence 1.21

New Causal Chain screen & Interface Enhancements! The Biomarkers section now includes a Causal Chain screen, showing relationships between all biomarkers and highlighting key connections. Mobile browsing has been improved with full-screen graphs, and the Pro/User flow is now smoother with invitation codes. A new Custom license level offers tailored access to analysis screens. Plus, Basic Programs and AI Helpers have been refined for better navigation.
Dear friends,

Version 1.21 is now released. 
As one of our most cherished beta testers, please consider leaving a review as soon as possible on the iOS App Store, the Mac App Store or the Play store... we would be very grateful if you did!

Manual update

The manual has been updated in 6 languages with all the recent additions, new screens and new functions. You can download it on The book is also in the process of being updated and will soon be available on Amazon in a new, augmented version, in 6 languages too.
We also updated the price page with the new custom licence and published some new content, including a comparison with competitors.

The user webinar series continues

Check the user seminar archives and join us each Thursday at 4PM GMT+1: There is also now a blog entry for each episode there. We also started the French webinar with Extraordinaire, our French distributor. As soon as other distributors start giving seminars in their languages later this year, they will also be added there.

Highlight: Causal Chain

  • We shuffled a bit the Biomarkers section to add a new Causal Chain screen. Spectrum (Frequencies and Harmonies) are now under Pulse; Dynamics and Polygraph, under Session. We added a new top section: Relations, with Links, Prevalence and the new Causal Chain. 
  • Causal Chain allows you to see relations between ALL biomarkers, highlighting important relationships and the ones that can best help the selected biomarker.
  • More on Causal Chain below.

Mobile interface

  • For mobile browsing, clicking on a graph in the analysis now opens in full screen (hiding the menu). The tight space on a mobile has been improved.

Pro / User flow

  • we enhanced the flow between Pro and Users, with prepared invitation codes (click on "invite" from the Contacts page to send an invitation to a non-registered user; the invitation code will link them to your Pro account when they create their account by themselves; their records will be available in your Pro account by default).

Basic programs and open Record 

  • When you open a basic program category from the home page, it will now close your Record so that it is easier to understand. To create a new basic program you now have a button to start it. If you don't start a program explicitly, you will stay in the flow of selecting and launching a basic program.
  • In the priorities, the selection of basic programs items has also been clarified.
  • The AI Helpers on the home page have also been clarified.
  • There is now a public forum (moderated) on the public basic programs.

New licence level

  • As there was a huge gap between Essential and Plus, we created a new intermediate licence level: Custom. The price is in between.
  • Custom allows users to always unlock 3 analysis screens of their choice, to get a customised interface for daily usage. The screens are chosen in Settings.
  • It's always possible to unlock a complete record when more screens are needed.


  • The Pro directory presentation is now open to registration from Settings.
  • Various bug fixes and graphic improvements.

More on the causal chain

This screen will show all related biomarkers with the selected biomarker, disposed like the petals in each flower: on top, the biomarkers that have more energy; on left, the biomarkers with less agitation.

The displayed biomarkers are all in resonance with the selected biomarker, so they have all ways to exchange energy and information with it.

Filter information

  • Filter categories on the bottom. This will display biomarkers in the selected categories. The number of biomarkers is on the right, and if there are particularly good links, they are displayed in a white circle on the top-right.
  • You can click on the qualities in the center to display only the biomarkers related to an improvement of this particular item: attention, intention, horizon, and with common base frequencies.
  • Under Best helpers, you will see the items that have a particularly good impact on all qualities combined. These items have a moving thick link. The green links are helping the selected biomarker in the center; the blue links are helped by it. The speed of the line indicates its relative energy flow and impact.


Click on any biomarker to place it in the center and see its related biomarkers. Your browsing history is on top.

How to use the causal chain

This screen is useful to start from a specific complain or problem and expand in every category around it. Start with the biomarker linked to the main complain. Check its best helpers, upward (giving energy) and downward (taking energy from it). Add the relevant ones to the priorities. Check their own upward and downward best helpers. In that way, you will build a priorities list with all major items related to the initial problem, addressing them in a holistic way.

As usual, we WANT your feedback!

All the best,

PS. All our newsletter are archived on 

Disclaimer: BioCoherence provides both an academic analysis and an energetic and experimental analysis. The information displayed may or may not be correlated with the physical state of the systems. Calculations are based on individual measurements and experimental algorithms. All computed results like energy levels, entropy levels and coherent systems are designed to provide useful information for personal development, not for medical purposes. The usage of all results are under the sole responsibility or the user. In case of doubt, it is important to consult a medical doctor. Please check our EULA before deciding your use of the software.