BioCoherence 1.20
Welcome, AI Helpers! Over 20 specialized AI Helpers are here to assist, offering insights tailored to their fields of expertise, with a privacy-first approach and full access to your analysis. AI Helpers can suggest biomarker insights, play harmonic boosts, create custom meditations, adjust priorities, or even build a Basic program from scratch for yourself or clients. Pros can collaborate with AI Helpers for case discussions, while users gain actionable insights. A summary is added to reports and shared with the Pro if enabled. New Features also on the Settings Page: Customize privacy levels, tweak interface options, and adjust automatic Resources and Priorities selection.
Basic Programs now offer public programs accessible without registration. Revamped UI, bug fixes, and graphic updates.
- To get the latest official release, update now on for iOS, iPad, Android, Windows, Mac or Linux (Install via App Store for iOS or Mac or Install via Play Store for Android).
- To get the latest beta release, update now on for Windows, Mac or Linux.
The user webinar series continues
Highlight: AI Helpers.
- Welcome, AI Helpers! We have trained more than 20 AI Helpers in different specialities. They can help you get some information in their respective expertise fields.
- Let's talk first a bit about privacy. For AI, we use (for now) an external API service at OpenAI. We are signing a BAA with them for zero-retention to respect the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), a U.S. federal law that requires privacy and security protections for protected health information (PHI). We use the strongest possible privacy policy with them (you can read it here). The first steps when you open "AI Helpers" is with the assistant (which is still 100% locally on your computer) and asks you to accept the data sharing. The second step is the welcoming of the AI Helper, and at this point no data is yet sent to the OpenAI API. It is when you ask your first question that some data is actually sent. (Also, at some point soon, we will run our own server for even more privacy.)
- After your first question, we send a custom prompt to a specific fine-tuned assistant along with a selection of your relevant biomarkers (around 5-10% of all of your biomarkers) to give them an initial assessment. From that point, the discussion can continue from your own questions or with some suggested next questions.
- The AI helpers are tightly integrated with BioCoherence and they have some nice abilities:
- First and foremost, they know their limits. AI Helpers are the nurses and assistants of your clinic! They are nice and helpful but they are far from boss level. So, at some point, they will redirect users to the Pro Directory (the real bosses, our Pros, are there). The idea is to start conversations in an easy way for all users and show them some of BioCoherence's capabilities, and connect them with a Pro at some point.
- They can already ask for any biomarker details, show you biomarkers, play harmonic boosts, they are able to ask for list item tests and receive results, and even modify your harmonic boost program or priorities for the personal guide. For instance, the meditation expert knows about custom meditations from your lists; the Essential oils expert can read list reevaluations and ask for tests in this list, etc.
- AI Helpers can also be used at the very start, as they are able to ask for a specific report or even start a new recording.
- If you are a Pro, you can open AI Helpers and discuss your client's case, and maybe gain some new perspectives.
- If you are a user, you can ask AI Helpers for specific insights and get to understand better the system.
- At the end of the conversation, a summary will be added to the report, as a comment by the AI Helper. This summary will also be received by the Pro if the user shares his report with the Pro.
- Each conversation is tied to one report, stored on our secure cloud along with the analysis, and the whole conversation history can be reopened at any time along with the report. Each conversation is private by default between you and the AI, but you can invite your Pro or your client in the conversation and they will then see all messages.
- But you can also start from scratch without Sensor or reading, and the AI Helper will have a conversation with you to build a specific Basic program for you. This works also if you work on a client or a family account: it will create the Basic program for your client's account, save it in the cloud, and make it available for them in their app.
- AI Helpers will be available from Me Essential and Pro Essential, or with an unlocked report. But until further notice, AI experts are available to everybody for testing.
I'm very excited with the AI Helpers; I think it can be a breakthrough for the general users to understand and embrace the system, that will lead to a lot of them wanting to go further and connect with Pros through our Pro directory!
New settings page
We are moving forward with interface customisation and some privacy steps, in a new Settings page.
- You can already choose some first customisation parameters, and it will be expanded in next versions:
- You can change your privacy levels to enable our Cloud and our AIs.
- You can select which categories go into the automatic Resources and Priorities selection.
- You can enable or disable some screens in the analysis and some parts of the Report.
- The settings page will now check if a newer version is available and direct you to update it if needed.
- You can now create and manage your invitation codes from the settings page.
- We identified 4 privacy levels:
- 10/10 is when everything stays locally on your device. You cannot share your data with your other devices, as nothing is sent to our cloud.
- 9/10 is when you backup your data to our cloud: you can share a report with a user or a Pro, and you can open your report on your other devices.
- 8/10 is when you accept the possibility to use our new AI Helpers, as some of your data will be sent to an external service for AI computing. This external service is at the highest privacy level possible, but nonetheless, it is not a server operated by our team, so we downgrade it one privacy point.
- 7/10 is then same, but with all reports marked as open for research. Results are anonymised and computations can then be used for scientific research purposes.
Balance Library is now "Basic programs"
- Yes, we changed the name again. After "Catalog", it was briefly "Sets". We believe "Basic programs" is better. Let's hope we don't have a better idea again.
- A little selection of Basic Programs are now directly accessible from the public home of the app, without even registering. A larger selection will be available to registered users (we aim for 15 public programs without logging in, and 150-300 basic programs for registered users with at least a Me Play subscription).
- Basic programs are meant to answer basic immediate needs, without an analysis; but they can also be added to any analysis, by adding the priorities and harmonic boosts to the current analysis.
- (coming in the next version) You will be able to add protocols to a Basic program harmonic Boost selection.
- You can now open the contents of a Basic Program in Harmonic Boost, and export it directly as an audio file.
- Mp3 audio files for the public Basic Programs are precomputed and immediately available for download and sharing.
- You can now open the contents of a Basic program in Personal Guide, and launch immediately the meditation.
- The public Basic programs are available on the public Home Screen, as a way to immediately launch a Harmonic Boost or Personal guide for various basic needs.
- Without a Sensor or a recording, you can expand your basic programs by discussing with the AI Helpers.
Harmonic boost
- The Harmonic Boost mp3 exports are now stored on your device.
- They will also be stored in our Cloud if they are tied to a public Basic program. In that case, you can download them immediately without having to compute them.
- So, you can now directly save or share previous mp3 exports without recomputing them.
- The harmonic boosts now include the full TCM recipes as elements (it will play all TCM points together as a standalone program).
- For more precision and effect, every individual list items (products, meditations...) now play frequencies, during harmonisation and during tests too (tied to their stated effect on organs, meridians, Ayurveda etc.)
New graphical interface
- We hope you'll like the new look and feel of the app.
New share options
- As a Pro, you now have full control on your user's app interface: you can allow - or not - harmonic boosts, personal guide, report and its contents, access to AI Helpers (and which ones..)... If your user opens a report from a Pro, the AI helpers are here to explain biomarkers, priorities and resources, but cannot modify your choices.
Personal Guide player
- You can now adjust the background noise level (full, half or none). On this topic, you can read It's torus all the way down: about our Personal Guide sounds.
- The layout has been enhanced.
- You can now pause and play the voice. Please note that only the voice is paused; the rest of the sounds will continue during your pause. So, if you need more time on a specific part, you can pause anytime and play again to continue.
- Various bug fixes and graphic improvements.
- The windows interface now shows the scrollbars.