BioCoherence 1.18
The Priorities screen gets a major upgrade with a refined automatic algorithm for precise prioritization. A new “pick a priority” tool lets you explore all biomarkers, TCM recipes, and meditation items. Introducing the Balance Library: save, share, and load priority lists for personalized or public use, including pre-set guided meditations accessible without a scan. Improved chakra visualizations, proactive Bluetooth connections, and enhanced voices (now available in English and French) round out this update.
Android version
The user webinar series continues
Highlight: the Priorities screen
- The Priorities screen has been enhanced. And the automatic priorities algorithm is now exclusively using low resources score. It leads to much more precise and diverse automatic priorities. You can still find the previous selection mechanisms under "add" (or the Plus icon) with "moving together", "notable energy" and "notable agitation".
- You can now empty the priorities list with a new button.
- You can now add priorities by browsing the entire list of biomarkers. Just click "pick a priority". Even better, you can also pick a TCM recipe or any meditation list item from this!
- there is now a Balance Library where you can store a list of priorities and recall them later at will. You can also make them public, so that any user can launch instantly a pre-established guided meditation, without even making a Sensor measurement.
Balance Library
To work with the balance libraries, here are some hints:
- The balance library is accessible from the Priorities screen. Click on the + icon on the top to add elements to your priorities.
- But you can also access the Balance Library from the main menu, before opening any analysis. This will open a blank priority list, to which you can add any priority, or allow you to load items from your existing libraries, outside of a scan.
- You can save current priorities as a new library, or add them to an existing library by editing it from the library list.
- You can add any library elements to your current priorities by simply selecting them or clicking "+ all" on the top of the list.
- In a next version, some public elements of the Balance Library will be accessible from the home page of any user, allowing instant access to pre-established guided meditations, without even making a Sensor measurement.
- When you choose "public", your library is accessible to all Pro users; we could then pick some public lists to translate the title and description and make them accessible to the general public. Your public lists will also be available from your Pro Directory page, so that your future fans can subscribe to your lists.
- What makes public lists great is your ability to create custom meditations (as list items), and add them as elements of these lists.
The Balance Library is useful to add in a few clicks some priorities you often use with your clients, and also to create some general-use meditations that anybody could use. But we have many more ideas around this new feature!
We will explain the Balance Library and its implications in the next webinar (next Thursday).
- Wounds and elements now display the biomarker flowers on click.
- Chakra visualisation has been updated, with a separation for entry and exit points.
- A lot of work has been done under the hood for general speed and optimisations. Some animations might disappear on slower devices, especially during recording; that is intended.
- The bluetooth connection is now proactive, meaning the app will wake up the sensor when you start a recording. So, in the best case, the sensor now powers on and connects (showing a blue light) as soon as you start a recording (provided it was last used on the same app), and in any case the connection should be quicker.
- The voices have been reworked... again! The new version is now available for English and French voices. Other languages will follow (German is under way). This third version is frankly amazingly good. Tell us what you think.
And various bug fixes and graphic improvements.