BioCoherence 1.16
The Android app is ready for testing (v1.15 on the Play Store). A powerful device is recommended for calculations, but most decent devices can run meditations and frequencies smoothly.
• Languages: Polish, Spanish, and German added (audio guidance translations coming soon).
• Prevalence Filters: Filter biomarkers by system in the prevalence screen.
• Frequency Export: Faster exports with a 10-minute audio limit.
• 21-Day Meditation: Direct access from the Home Screen.
• Algorithm Enhancements: Improved detection of priorities and resources with updated evaluations for “low resource score” recipes.
• Meditation Lists: View full descriptions for each item with a simple click.
Android version
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3 new languages in the app, and the book is also translated (currently under review).
The user webinar series continues
Update highlights:
- 3 new languages: Polish, Spanish, German. (All is translated except the audio: the meditations texts are translated but the audio is not yet available, it will come later).
- prevalence: you can now filter by biomarker system in the prevalence screen (the systems selector in in the menu).
- frequency program export: duration of the generated audio file limited to about 10 minutes to export quickly (and not crash).
- new direct access to the ongoing 21 day meditation from the Home Screen
- bug corrected: ticket would not submit from some languages with special characters.
Priorities and resources
- Better algorithm to detect all priorities
- Fix for the "low resource score" for "recipes" glitch (the points resources score were not transferred to the recipes, leading to a faulty evaluation for the recipes with low resources score).
- Negative momentums are not longer picked as resources by the algorithm.
- updated algorithm for resources, that now takes intention, attention and horizon in the evaluation. It leads to a better identification of the main resources. This will enhance the main resources results, and the main priorities with "low resources score". To clarify, the resource score comes from petal, links, intention, attention and horizon.
- you can now read the entire text of a meditation list item by clicking on a meditation, and then on the description that appears on top of the list.
And various bug fixes and graphic improvements.