BioCoherence 1.12

Dear friends,

1.12 will add some functions and enhance some screens. Update via TestFlight (it might need one day or more to appear, you will receive a notification from TestFlight when available) or download now on for Windows, Mac or Linux. We've tested it extensively but you never know with bugs, so if you see one in the wild, please use the in-app feedback/bug report (the last entry in the menu) so that we have all the info to fix them quickly. 

Also, check the user seminar archives here and join us each Thursday at 4PM GMT+2: ./userseminar

Update highlights:

General functions: 
  • Confidentiality mode, to blur all names and photos on the screen.
  • General speed enhancements on older devices. Don't expect miracles, the app is still power-hungry. As a general rule, there should be no lag in navigation; if there is, please use a better computer.
  • We don't automatically save recordings anymore if they are short.
  • All texts are now translatable (and translated), including previously hard-coded texts like meridian/points descriptions, MTC recipes etc. We also fixed a bug in Korean where titles were truncated.
  • For your support requests, ticket answer info and management directly in the app.
  • Bluetooth request is delayed until first effective use, instead of first app launch. This is because the app is only allowed to ask for your approval once. If you say no, there is no way to allow the app to request Bluetooth again, you have to go to the systems preferences and find a way to check the acceptance - or just reinstall the app... For this reason, there is a new message in the Bluetooth panel, if by mistake the initial request had been denied.
  • "Read Manual" now opens in your browser. That also allows downloads of the PDF manuals.
  • New "prevalence" screen, to list all biomarkers by petal state. This can help identify patterns and better understand the general image of a scan.
Contact management:
  • Edit your own data from the home page now leads to "my account".
  • Birth date and notes are now hidden by default. Click on "more infos" to show them. We don't use this info for now, it is only for your reference. We will also add height, weight and some other health data for future age-, height- and weight-related biomarkers.
Frequency program:
  • Durations are now expressed in Elfie values.
  • Total export duration in .wav or .mp3 is automatically adjusted for very long programs, as a too long audio file might crash the app. Exports are limited to about 30 minutes, with an automatic adjustment of all programs to fit the available possible duration.
  • Exports defaults to mp3 in one-clic. If you cancel the mp3 part by clicking "stop encoding", it will propose you to export the .wav instead. The whole process is done in background and you can use the app meanwhile, but don't reduce the app or hide it while it exports, as this will result in the app losing computing resources and the export taking ages. 
  • New button in the report tools to send the PDF by mail to the customer in 1 clic. The PDF is uploaded to our cloud and the mail is sent from our server, so the sender is, not you. If you want to be the sender, you have to use the "share" function, or save it and attach it to your regular email app.
  • PDF export and save now works on Windows, Mac and Linux. Additionally, you can export as .htm, which is a modifiable format, if you want to edit it.
  • The French voices are now entirely available. (the English voices will be cleaned later this month to fix the small glitches)
  • Lists with type "Meditation": if you select multiple items from the same meditation list, they will be played sequentially, one per day. This shows on the report and in the meditation text. In this way, the meditation also evolves every day in a progression.
  • A fourth algorithm is now available: "low resource score". When you explore priorities, this will be presented first (before "in sync"," interesting energy" and "interesting agitation"), and will show the elements with the lowest resource score (the contrary of the resources panel, so to say).
Personality, momentums and drives:
  • some enhancements in these important screens:
  • Personality: now shows some information texts to explain the 4 axis and the position in the scan, and also the stability or flexibility of this position.
  • Momentum: restraints are now split in 2: geopathy and biology.
  • Drives: the average between the positive part and the negative part of each emotion is now clearly shown. You can now clearly see the baseline between the positive and the negative part of each bar. More enhancements to come for this screen, because it might be one of the screens you end up spending the most time - it is so interesting...
  • the manual will be updated with the contents of the user webinars. This will be done each week after each user seminar...

As usual, we WANT your feedback!

All the best,

Disclaimer: BioCoherence provides both an academic analysis and an energetic and experimental analysis. The information displayed may or may not be correlated with the physical state of the systems. Calculations are based on individual measurements and experimental algorithms. All computed results like energy levels, entropy levels and coherent systems are designed to provide useful information for personal development, not for medical purposes. The usage of all results are under the sole responsibility or the user. In case of doubt, it is important to consult a medical doctor. Please check our EULA before deciding your use of the software.