
We don't like to brag, so we'll let our users do the talking.
I think my current condition came out exactly.
I currently have a headache and I think I have a prostate problem. There is considerable consistency. That's excellent.
Luke (South Korea)
Biocoherence sounds too good to be true. Empowered by a mysterious algorithm, it promises to look into the depths of your body, emotions and mind. And the connections between them!
After running scans and seeing how it delivers spot on (almost unbelievable) results for me and a number of clients, my trust has grown tremendously and I'm excited to see which places this system and the team behind it will go.
Christoph Weigert (Germany)
The Bio Coherence App and its meaning for the Biohacker Community: In the Biohacker community, everybody tries to get to an optimal health on all levels - body, mind and soul. In this field – and I am actually one of them – we are always looking for new tools, devices and supplements. It seems that this is an unending process. With the new Bio Coherence APP the search is coming to a full stop.
With the help of this new device, you can deeply look into the human system. You can check the conditions of the meridians, each meridian point, the organs, the amount of pathogen's, the chakras, the doshas, your bliss state, your mental setting and even more.
Technically you are able to test each part separately – so that you can see on a daily basis – the change in you body for example after a new treatment or a new supplement. This is a game changer. Why?
Because you can work on your condition more effectively. The APP can tell you which supplement to take and which not. In other words your body will only get the good stuff, which is needed.
There is even a future plan of the inventors to in-cooperate the test of the age of your body!
From my research with this new APP over the last 2 months it was a real self-empowerment experience. Highly recommended!!
Michael Welk, Biohacker / Health Coach / Freiburg (Germany)
From the first time Mederic presented his BioCoherence System at the Dan Winter Conference in France, I was captivated by the possibilities that it held. For many years I have studied the Vedic tradition of Ayurveda, as well as the Chinese system of Nadis and meridians. I also understand from studying Physics, that all “things” including our bodies, have distinct resonant frequencies. So I knew that the human pulse had all the information in it to give a full picture of one’s health. However, these systems are generally used as analytical tools that give you only data about your health, and as such require a specialist to interpret the information and prescribe strategies for cures. The unique aspect of this innovative approach is that once the problems are identified, it AUTOMATICALLY GENERATES HEALING FREQUENCIES to balance one's energies and dissolve the blockages. The ingenious approach has, painstakingly translated all the ancient knowledge and information into a SOUND MEDITATION that one simply enjoys by closing the eyes and listening to the balanced sounds that guide the body to heal itself. I have just begun learning about the technology and doing several scans on myself. However, I can say that I was blown away by the fact that after the first scan, it immediately identified my “base body frequency as F#”. This was very impressive because I play tenor saxophone and had identified this note as the one “resonates most powerfully with me”. I had never told this to anyone before! As I dig deeper into the possibilities of this application, I am discovering a huge range of invaluable information about the chakras, nadis, emotional states, organs, parasites, the brain, and much more.
Frederic Klein, Architect & Meditation Teacher, Montreal (Quebec, Canada)
So for me as I already mentioned, everything is new, working directly with clients, with the desire to help them, get rid of unprocessed Emotions, Trauma, unleash their full potential, their full Dna.
I know i'm here for that reason. Everything that happened in my life had a sense, my path, Dan’s teaching, the work of Mederic, now the beautiful Community that is growing. All this was meant to happen, and i really really look into it to get the most out of the app, because it's basically a full Solution to most of the problems the clients come with. Coupled with QuantaPHI to play frequencies out the app, it can only boost the healing! What it can be read, its one of its kind, I never saw this anywhere, and i feel really grateful to be part of the Beta and so connected with all the users.
At the beginning, after the first interview i was hooked up, but my thinking mind was always telling me, it cant be true, i was very skeptic... I have to test it. “Because my trusted source, Dan, had approved it, so it must be good.” So I tested it with few people, and they were amazed by the findings. Even the Emotions part, that was the most crazy for them, to read the state they are actually in. It was always a match.Now there is soo much to explore that i’m more in a research mode, than an helping people mode. I need to read the Book and Manual 😅
I want to make some before after, to understand the energy part and how it moves. after eating bad food for example.
I want to test it before and after meditation, breathwork etc… Before after QuantaPHI.. and so on
Maybe it would be nice to have a platform to post ways to work with, from different profession like MTC practionners or Ayurveda.. Or from people like me with no background. And little understanding about the body. Im more free to think outside the box, but i don’t have the knowledge from a doctor about the body, but i think that it isn’t even needed with such an amazing app.
But the conclusion is, for me, thats the tool i needed, not expensive at all, good to start. I already know, that it will a big part of my work.
Lionel (France)
A comment following Paul test today (he has a pacemaker). You said: "my postulate that the electrical activity from the whole body is indeed what we measure"... The report correctly identified lower back issues, kidney and connective tissues - adipose. He has been having lower back issues for years, as well as "sensitive" kidneys, etc. It seems that you might be right in saying that you measure the electrical activity from the whole body!
Anca (Australia)
A news series of heart coherence measurement technologies for health maintenance and counselling and all type of alternative healing using a very, very in-depth spectrum analysis of the ECG and second-order power spectrum coherence measure. With BioCoherence, particularly, Médéric has made breakthroughs, (...), a whole new approach to heart coherence.
Dan Winter, inventor of the real Heart Coherence. fractalfield.com
Super powerful new heart frequency and coherence software producing incredibly diverse holistic health biocoherence analysis. Médéric is the Renaissance man of heart coherence, charge collapse, harmonics and healing and more.
Tufan Guven, geometricmodels.org (Turkey)
Disclaimer: BioCoherence provides both an academic analysis and an energetic and experimental analysis. The information displayed may or may not be correlated with the physical state of the systems. Calculations are based on individual measurements and experimental algorithms. All computed results like energy levels, entropy levels and coherent systems are designed to provide useful information for personal development, not for medical purposes. The usage of all results are under the sole responsibility or the user. In case of doubt, it is important to consult a medical doctor. Please check our EULA before deciding your use of the software.