It's torus all the way down: about our Personal Guide sounds
Dear friends,
following yesterday's 16th webinar in the Masterclass series, in which I explained the torus-shaped human energy field and the reason for the white background noise in our Personal Guide meditations, I felt it was necessary to add some further information. So here we go with an in-depth explanation of the human body field and sound in our meditations.
The human body field: toroids within toroids - like tau-rus(ian) dolls
Some pretty pictures to help you visualize a torus.
On the scale of the earth:
- The earth's magnetic field protects it from radiation from outer space. The aurora borealis is created by magnetic flux entering from the poles and interacting with particles in the upper atmosphere.
- This magnetic field has resonance frequencies resulting from the physical size of the Earth's atmosphere (Schumann frequencies).
At the atomic level:
- Atomic force fields create a torus at the scale of the atom. Personal note: it is likely that this torus has several harmonics ("atomic layers") corresponding to the atomic layers around which atoms can only take on integer values (i.e. "quantized", hence the term "quantum physics").
In between, on the scale of the human body:
Resulting from the combined electrical and magnetic activity of our cells, the human magnetic field should have the same role as at the scale of the Earth or the atom:
- As for the Earth,
- Protection against external radiation. As with the Earth, this radiation should be able to circulate upwards (7th chakra) and downwards (1st chakra). But they would remain confined to the outer edge and to the vertical internal circulation (Ida and Pingala, chakra link).
- Resonance values specific to the physical dimensions of this field (our personal "Schumann frequencies").
- Like the atom,
- different layers correspond to different harmonics of the system. It's easy enough to feel these layers with your hands.
- But, as with a complex living system, these values are the result of a literally incalculable number of interactions of electro-magnetic activities between energy, body and mind. These values can therefore change from second to second. With a minimum of training, you can experience contractions or expansions of these layers yourself, depending on your thoughts, environment or changing conditions.
Note that the image above shows only one layer of a single torus, the torus I call "the personal shield" and which we'll discuss in the next section on Personal Guides in BioCoherence. There are actually toroids at every scale in the body, creating sub- and over- toroids through resonance and harmonics, and the main ones are called Chakras.
Scale links
In order for these elements to resonate together, there must be a scale link. I propose Elfie integer values as the scale link.
- Earth scale: Schumann resonances have Elfie values of 199, 200 and 201. The earth has a circumference of 201 Elfie. The speed of light has an Elfie value of 207.
- On a human scale: cells have resonance values of 171, 180, 182 and 187 Elfie.
- On an atomic scale: water in liquid crystal form (in our cells) has a resonance frequency of 135 and 140 Elfie. Microtubules, 130 and 132 Elfie. DNA, 122 and 126 Elfie. At the atomic level, we go down to 116 Elfie for hydrogen.
All these integer values mean that energy and information can be transmitted via an optimized scale wave between the different levels. This isn't magic, it's the result of self-optimization at different scales, taking into account existing values in the environment. Cells and the human body are optimized to resonate with atoms and the Earth (the natural environment).
The torus in physics:
BioCoherence and the Personal Guide: building your personal shield
To understand how Personal Guide guided meditations are constructed, let's start by visualizing the harmonics in each type of sound you may hear in them.
White noise: the personal shield
This enveloping sound creates a personal cocoon; the sound's rotation is stimulated over an integer multiple of Elfie (with 2 complex cycles: a first combining 0.0216 Hz, 0.035 Hz and 0.5 Hz and a second combining 0.0139 Hz ,0.0226 Hz and 0.7 Hz). These can be distinguished by the waves at the bottom of the audiogram above.
- These values create a complex 3-dimensional rotation resembling image B above. The field is set at around one meter around you, to create your own protective cocoon during meditation.
- The white noise is intentionally louder than the voice. The voice is supposed to speak to the mind, but meditation is first and foremost a self-hypnosis technique in which the unconscious is supposed to take on much greater importance than in the normal state of consciousness. As such, the voice must be barely distinguishable, at the limit of hearing, in order to be guided subliminally and to leave a predominant place to the unconscious.
- The audio frequencies added are bioactive, and their volume is intentionally lowered because they act by resonance (a very weak impulse is enough to create an effect, as long as they enter into resonance with a system).
Frequencies and chords in the personal guide
Personal music chords and breathing
In this audiogram, which relates to the second part of the guided meditations (the personal music chords), we can distinguish two parts:
- the breath, a loud white noise
- the personal chord, whose horizontal strata are composed of the chord's musical harmonics (BioCoherence detects 432 different personal chords).
Bioactive frequencies (harmonic boost)
These frequencies are modified every 6.73 seconds (an Elfie integer multiple) and chosen to activate the current system (be it a meridian, an organ, an acupuncture point...). We always play 4 frequencies at a time to stimulate a system on several scales.
If a Pro has added a particular protocol, the frequencies are then activated at the same time, to stimulate the current system to bring it into resonance, and to stimulate the corrective protocol at the same time to direct these corrective frequencies onto the target system. In this way, corrective frequency information is transported directly to the target system.
Acupuncture meridians
Acupuncture meridians have a particular melody, based on the sequential stimulation of all their acupuncture points, according to the individual's own rhythm. The bioactive frequencies specific to the meridian (at the bottom of the visualization) are thus augmented by those of each of the points, in the order and at the speed required for complete stimulation of the meridian's circulation.
For the record, TCM describes meridians as rivers of energy; it's the flow of this river that we hear in this section.
The introductory sound is a special bioactive sound; it begins with pure Elfie whole harmonics, transformed into a C major chord. The bioactive effect of this introduction is to immediately align all the elements at all scales of your energy, body and mind, with whole Elfie values, then with a beautiful major musical chord. At this point, in a matter of seconds, you're aligned and ready to set off on your journey!